Sunday, 9 October 2011

Take Action Today As “The Hunter Freelancer”

If you are a good writer with a lot of creative energy successfully producing a lot of writing work for your growing list of Clients then you are on the right path to success as a freelancer.

However, most of us tend to procrastinate and think that the world will beat a path to our door. It is time to take action and go out to get Clients in order for the world to see your work and for you to be a success as a freelance Copywriter or Social Media Consultant.

Stop being an Arm-Chair consultant and go out and get some work in Today as “The Hunter Freelancer!”

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Interior Decorating Mistakes to Avoid

You don't have to be a professional interior decorator to understand some basic principles of interior design that will help you create a home with style.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Invest in Net Penny Stocks

Invest in Net Penny Stocks and start earning money on your investments.
Net Penny Stocks

Start Earning with Referrals at Net Penny Stocks

Start Making $500 to $5,000 Weekly with Net Penny Stocks

Get Paid Week after Week with Net Penny Stocks

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Helping Families with Disabled Children

A new research report aimed at improving service provision for disabled children and their families has been published by the Department for Education. The publication is co-authored by the University of Bristol, the National Centre for Social Research and the University of Warwick.

The Pink Daisy Project

Since 2008, the Pink Daisy Project has helped more than 150 women -- mostly in the form of house-cleaning assistance and gift cards for gas, groceries and restaurants.

Helping Kids to Continue

Nick Sheehan wanted to be a teacher.
The 21-year-old North High School alumnus was never a straight-A student, but he loved working with children as a counselor at the YMCA's Camp Y-Koda, helping them do more than they thought they could.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Self Help International Blog

This blog contains thoughts and experiences from Merry Fredrick, Executive Director, Blake Conover, Director of Marketing, Board Members, Students and Volunteers from the Self-Help family.

David Ellerman-Helping People Book

Helping People Help Themselves grew out of David Ellerman's ten years at the World Bank—and particularly out of his three years as advisor and speechwriter for Joseph Stiglitz during Stiglitz's tumultuous term as the Bank's Chief Economist. The book provides a structural critique of the World Bank's approach to development assistance—but the main purpose is to lay the intellectual foundations for an alternative approach.


Health services in Britain are facing an enormous challenge. The population is growing in size and age and people are more likely to suffer from long term illnesses that require ongoing care. There is a need to change the way systems work and this includes helping people to help themselves. 

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Thursday, 14 July 2011

New Business Idea: Virtual Subway Store

In South Korea, a supermarket chain is experimenting with a new system that let’s commuters shop from subway stations with the cellphones. Read more..

New Invention: The Heartbeat Pillow

Pillow Talk … aims to connect couples in long distance relationships through sensor rings worn in bed at night and a panel which slots inside their pillow cases. Read more..

Red, Red Tomatoes

I love putting tomatoes into most of my dishes. My Mum would also love to put tomatoes into most of her dishes. Read more about the awesome tomato and why you should eat more of it as well…

Twitter Your Business Today

This ebook is your essential guide to using Twitter to establish yourself as a thought leader, gain leads and create buzz for your products and services. Read more..

A Slim Look at Smoking

Discover the Link between Smoking and Obesity. Drop in smoking rates linked to rise in obesity

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Fundraising Ideas for You

Whether you're a first time fundraiser or a seasoned pro this fundraising website is packed with ideas you need to beat your target. Read more..

A Ringtone to Help Loneliness

Yes, there is a ringtone which you can download to help support the cause to fight loneliness. Read more and download your ringtone today.

Help a Cause in 5 Minutes

Are you the type of person who wants to help a cause, but is not sure how to go about doing it? Then you need look no further, than this website which informs you on how you can help a cause in 5 minutes a day. Read more

Friday, 1 July 2011

Motivate Yourself and Others Today

There are times when a person needs to be motivated. If you know of someone who needs a bit of motivation in your life then this is a great site to visit. Read more…

Simple Acts of Kindness

Would you like to be inspired to help others today? Here are a few thoughts and ways to help a person today. Make the best of your life today, by going out of your way to help someone today. Read more..

Help Someone Today With Zen

Too often the trend in our society is for people to be separated from either other, to be cut off from the great mass of humanity, and in doing so to be dehumanized a little bit more with each step. Read more..

Friday, 24 June 2011

Inheritance in Nursing

When the wealthy copper Heiress Huguette M. Clark died recently, she left her Nurse $30 million. Read the article and leave your thoughts on the subject of Ethics and whether this was the right or wrong thing to do!

Kimberley the Cup Cake Champion

Kimberley is a proud Marine wife living in Virginia with the world's most amazing husband. They have 4 beautiful children who keep Kimberley on her toes. Kimberley loves to bake and craft! She has 2 online shops where she sells her crafts!

Kimberley’s Blogs

The Blossoming Quote Garden

You are welcome to visit the Garden of Quotes about helping people and making a difference in the lives of people and in the world today. Visit this site and send me your own Quotes today. Thank you!

John Maxwell Leadership Training

To get the latest news on the John Maxwell Leadership Training program and other resources visit his site today.
Learn from John C. Maxwell and Connect with Top Leaders.

“Leadership includes the head, but it starts with the heart.”

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Earn Free Money Online

These are some of the best websites on the internet which offer you a chance to earn free money fast. Take a chance today and visit the link below and start earn fast cash.

Easy Ways to Make Quick Cash

Here are a few of the fast and easy ways to make cash, as listed and experimented by the experts.

Home Business Ideas- Personal Services

Personal services are in demand from multiple sectors of the market:

  • The graying baby boomer market
  • Busy working couples
  • Overwhelmed and overworked single parents

Subscribe to the Publish Success Free Newsletters Today

A Great Free Newsletter for Every Day of the Week

Monday: Humour, Ideas and Opinions Newsletter

Tuesday: Paranormal, Mysteries and the Unexplained Newsletter

Wednesday: Green Guardians of the Environment and Ecology Newsletter

Thursday: Love and Relationship Resource Newsletter

Friday: Helping People Today Newsletter

Saturday: Travel Cities Today Newsletter

Sunday: Charisma, Style and Fashion Newsletter

Subscribe to the Publish Success Free Newsletters Today

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Encourage Someone Today

Have there been times in your life when you want to help someone to fulfil their destiny? There are so many people in the world who need to be inspired and encouraged to live their dreams. My parents and now my wife always encourage me to fulfil my dreams. Young people are not the only ones who need to be encouraged to achieve their goals in life. Friends sometimes have their own issues in life and may not be able to encourage you. A mentor and life coach is someone who will always have your best interests at heart and will encourage and inspire you to reach your full potential in life. Contact Warren “the Mentor” today

Build a Website Today

Do you need to showcase your skills, talents, hobbies, collections or any product that you have created? Then it is time to build your own website. A website or blog is the best way for you to get people to get curious about your product or service, enquire about your product or service and then having built a relationship with you, purchase your product or service. To build your own website visit the link given below:

If you need further advice about creating your website or blog contact Warren “the Mentor” today at

Can Your Hobbies Make You Money?

Yes, your hobbies can make you money. It is always a good idea to start a hobby, do research into your hobby, join a group or club related to your hobby. Before long you will become an expert in your hobby. The next step would be for you to advertise your hobby, skills and you can earn money from your hobby, if it is photography or even cookery. Start doing something today you are passionate about and your Hobby will make you live a happier and contented life.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Secrets on How to be an Expert Persuader

Which of these exciting experiences would you like to achieve?
  Change people's behavior and way of thinking, so you can have it "your way."
  Superboost your sales and income.
  Have an abundance of money to buy anything you want.
  Attract the opposite sex like a 10-ton magnet. 
  Win lots of true and loyal friends. 
  Make anyone admire, trust and like (even love) you.
  Feel confident and comfortable with total strangers.
  Put anyone "under your spell," even if you have zero knowledge in hypnosis.
  Conquer difficult people and protect yourself from manipulators.
  "Wow" any job interviewer and secure your dream job. 
  Persuade your boss to give you a promotion and raise, all while he thinks it's his idea.
  Motivate employees to do a fantastic job and become more productive.

The Law of Attraction-An Unbreakable Force

“The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force”Bob Proctor – one of the key figures in “The Secret”- believes that the Law of Attraction is incomplete, and for the first time reveals the 11 Forgotten Laws that will finally uncover the Law’s true potential.

Magic of Making Up

You see there IS a "recipe for love" as well as a recipe for winning back and keeping some ones interest, desire, passion, heart and love…

Sunday, 29 May 2011

New Life Coaching website

I have created a new Life Coaching website so that I can help more people to realize their true potential and fulfil their dreams.
" A man or woman without dreams is like a bird with broken wings."

  The Life Coaching website

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Do we have Superhuman senses?

We can also smell as few as 30 molecules of certain substances.I mean, we're talking serious Daredevil-level detection here!
These facts suggest that we all have some level of what we'd normally think of as "super human" sensory abilities already.

Smart Foods for Smart People

Simply put, your brain likes to eat. And it likes powerful fuel: quality fats, antioxidants, and small, steady amounts of the best carbs.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Are You Interested in a Joint Venture?

Reciprocal Arrangements:
1. Exchanging Online Links: Driving traffic to eachother's sites can often create additional business for practically no effort at all.
2. Cross-Endorsement: Whether through mailings (solo ads), product reviews or simply "referring customers" casually, cross endorsement still remains a very powerful way to leverage the day-to-day contact another business has with your market.
3. Trade Testimonials: Review each other's products, then display the reviews on your marketing materials.
Integrated/Co-Managed Arrangements:
4. Sharing Ad-Space: Cut your marketing expenses in half by sharing ad-space or promotional events. (This includes sharing trade-show space).
5. Sharing Research & Development Information: If your JV partner is someone that you trust - and they're not a "competitor" - then combining "intellectual assets" can provide astounding results in some cases.
6. Co-Producing Articles and Press Releases: Leverage eachother's contacts in regards to other JV prospects, editors, columnists, freelance writers and otherwise media contacts. Create a series of PR's and Articles that provide neutral mentions for each of your services in some way...
7. Co-Producing Publications: Such as websites, magazines, trade journals and so on.
8. Co-Producing Products and Projects: Sharing costs and effort on product research, creation and testing could very well outweigh the "cost" of sharing profits.
9. Joint Authorship: Save time and reach twice as much of the market (or more).
10. Product Bundling: Integrating products, or adding JV products as an upsell or "option" is an extremely powerful way to leverage the assets of another business in a truly beneficial manner.
11. Co-promoting viral marketing items: Such as compelling mini-courses, ebooks, audio interviews and so on. This especially applies to info-products and downloadable online media.
Endorsements and Promotional Arrangements:
12. Direct Endorsement: This includes endorsement mailings to client/prospect databases, mass notifications or ezine announcements - in exchange for a large portion of up-front profits (sometimes backend as well).
13. Ongoing Endorsement (Affiliate): This involves direct and indirect referrals in return for a commission on any resulting sales processed. This is done both offline (as a "rep"), or online as an "affiliate".
14. Product Reviews: Reviewing a product "objectively" can be very powerful in terms of generating sales from prospective buyers that are researching their purchase (or looking to justify it). The reviewer will act as an affiliate and get paid for referred sales.

Are you interested in a Jount Venture with Warren Brown?
Contact Warren Brown:

Friday, 22 April 2011

Reasons You Are Broke-Here are the Solutions

It can be tough to make ends meet, but you can help yourself by not spending unnecessarily. Here are 10 things that can drain your cash away.
This is why you're broke

Can forgiveness ever be easy?

We occasionally hear inspirational stories of victims and relatives who forgive abusers, murderers and even war criminals. But just how easy is it to forgive?

BBC News - Can forgiveness ever be easy?

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

How to lose weight without dieting

Summer has come and more people want to shed their excess weight. Read this interesting presentation at the link given below. I look forward to receiving your feedback.
How to lose weight without dieting

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Heart attack symptoms

This article helps you to know the symptoms of a heart attack. This is very useful information for the young and the old and it is invaluable in medical emergencies.

Heart attack symptoms, recognising stroke and angina

Elizabeth Taylor passed away today at the age of 79, of congestive heart failure. May her soul rest in peace!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Living Nutrition for Living Bodies.

Fast Food doesn't have to mean Junk Food. If you're eating on the run, or fighting off a snack attack, you have alternatives. And I'm NOT talking about rice cakes!

100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats - Low calorie snacks that taste great. Natural - Sugar Free - No Cook - Living Nutrition for Living Bodies.

World Recipes for a Home Catering Business by Warren

This book is for those who enjoy cooking and would like to know how to prepare dishes from around the world for fame and profit. You can become an instant hit with your family and friends.Start your own Home Catering Business with these delicious recipes. You can develop the talent of cooking dishes from around the world.This talent can later make you a profit from a Catering business of your own. If you or a friend have a passion and a talent for cooking,buy this book today.

World Recipes for a Home Catering Business by Warren Brown in Cooking